Profound discoveries into the lives and actions of every day Canadians who found-themselves on the Frontlines
Reconnecting Canadians to their Heritage
Rediscover your family's military legacy and unlock the stories they would never tell
Our Heroes Your Heritage

Canada's Gateway to the Great War

Discovering Bravery
Discovering Legacy
Discovering Sacrifice
Reconnecting Canadians to their Heritage
Achievements in Heritage
Soldiers researched
Battlefield tours led
Families helped
Grandson of Captain C.S. Rutherford at the spot he earned the Victoria Cross in 1918.
Discoveries, Battlefields, Stories

What people are saying
Rediscovering Canadian heroes, history and heritage
"I can honestly say on behalf of my entire family that Joe MacDonald made this a once in a lifetime experience and a life changing one for us all."
"Whether for personal legacy or simple interest, I would highly recommend linking up with Joe and experiencing a unique and fascinating perspective of our Canadian history."
"I have been on several ‘battlefield tours’ and this was by far the most informative, personal and educational I have experienced."
Deputy Commissioner (Retd.), RCMP. Dale McGowan
Brigadier General (Retd.) Nic Stanton OMM, CD
Dr. Mathew Leonard
"There wasn’t a dull moment for the 3 days we spent with Joe... he was able to show me more than I could have ever expected at greater detail than much longer tours I had attended in the past."
Sub Lieutenant RCN Willis McCullough-Messom
"We got to see the place and hear the story of where he was when he won his Military Medal and Joe even showed us where he was wounded one month before the end of the war. My question as a child was answered."
Karen Campbell. Granddaughter of CEF veteran
Image by Vimy Foundation
Finding their Footsteps

A small French village - today

Canadians returning from battle - 1917
The Western Front and the Stories Beyond
Discovering Canada's Story from Start to Finish

From the mud of Passchendaele, to victory at Vimy, we will walk in their footsteps and discover their story
Image by Vimy Foundation
Our Heroes Your Heritage

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